Internal Audit

Internal Audit


Position / Job Description :
Name :  
Contact number :
E-mail address :
Duties & Responsibilities

  • Prepare a risk-based audit plan and an internal audit program for each financial year (1 July – 30 June)
  • Advise the accounting officer and report to the audit committee on the implementation of the internal audit plan and matters relating to:
  • 1)    Internal controls
  • 2)    Internal Audit
  • 3)    Accounting procedures and practices
  • 4)    Risk and risk management
  • 5)    Performance management
  • 6)    Loss control
  • 7)    Compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003), the annual Division of Revenue Act and any other applicable legislation
  • 8)    Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the accounting officer.
    • Ensure that the allocation of funds for spending is inside the approved yearly budget.
    • Ensure the correct quoting and allocation of all income, depositing of money and amounts written off.
    • Ensure that all new appointments are made in accordance with the Law on Basic Employment.
    • Ensure that the asset registry is correct and balances with the relevant financial records.
    • Review source documents pertaining to approvals, budget control, and cashbook expenditures to ensure that it is within the guidelines of the Council and appropriate laws.
    • Ensure satisfactory security measures in the recording of data on computer.
    • Assist in the execution of special investigations.
    • Assist in secretarial duties to the Audit Committee


Vision and Objectives of Department


  • To assist and support management of the council in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by furnishing them with analyses, recommendations, appraisals, council and information concerning the activities examined and by promoting effective control at reasonable cost.
  • To ensure that risks are identified and managed properly.
  • To ensure that correct and accurate financial management, and operational control systems and procedures are in place to enable management to gain trustworthy information useful in decision making processes.
  • To evaluate the performance management system and performance reports.
  • To control policies, regulations, and procedures in terms of prescribed guidelines and applicable laws.
  • To ensure that high quality service delivery takes place by the economic and efficient utilisation of available resources.
  • To implement the processes and procedures on an ongoing basis according to Council policy.

Projects – Current & Completed