Administration Services

Administration Services

Manager Position / Job Description : Head Administration Services
Name of Head :  Ms Kajal Maharaj
Contact number : 033 413 9101
E-mail address :


Duties & Responsibilities
• Study Assistance
• Indigent
• Costumer Assistance and Information
• Advertising
• Workshops and Strategic Sessions
• Travel and Communications
• Circulars and Questionnaires
• Disciplinary Procedures
• Policies and By Laws – Review, Accessibility and Implementation

Vision and Objectives of the Department
• To provide for an efficient administration for the Municipality
• Ensure that BATHO Pele is achieved through Consumer wellness and sharing of information
• Too ensure that the public are kept informed and up to date on happenings of the municipality, through the media
• To ensure that they Policies and By Laws are made available for implementation as well as review
• To provide a communication link between the public, other departments and the officials of the Municipality
• To ensure that complaints and requests of the community are addressed