Water Crisis – Notice

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Water Crisis – Notice from Umvoti Municipality

Isaziso Senkinga yamanzi esiphuma eMvoti Municipality



Residents of Umvoti, Umvoti Municipality has received word that the water supply is at an all-time critical low, the supply cannot service the Town to an extent that drastic measures have be implemented.

Mphakathi waseMvoti, Umasipala waseMvoti uthole isaziso sokuthi isimo sokuhanjiswa kwamanzi sisengcupheni kakhulu njengoba amanzi engekho futhi lawa akhonyana angeke ekwazi ukuphakela idolobha, yingakho kuthathwe lesisinqumo esinqala.


Take note that the water supply has been shut down indefinitely and the jojo tank in your area will have to be used, they will be filled on a daily basis.

Qaphela ukuthi ukuphakelwa kwamanzi sekuvaliwe isikhathi esingaziwa ukuthi siyoze silunge nini, ngakhokhe uyaziswa ukuthi kuzomele usebenzise ithangi eliwuJojo elisendaweni lapho uhlala khona eliyogcwaliswa ususku nosuku.


The following precautions and matters must be taken into consideration;

Lemiqathango nalezizaba kuyofanele uziqaphele;


  • No private tanks will be filled by the Umzinyathi tankers supplying water,
  • Awekho amathangi omuntu ngamunye ayogcwaliswa yizimoto zamanzi ezilethwe Umasipala wesifunda saseMzinyathi.


  • Please take charge of the jojo tank in your area and notify the Umzinyathi offices or the Umvoti Municipal Offices of any leaks\damage or theft that might occur to the tanks.
  • Uyacelwa ukuba unakekele ithangi eliwuJojo elisendaweni lapho uhlala khona futhi wazise amahhovisi aseMzinyathi noma aseMvoti uma kuwukuthi liyavuza or liyantshontswa.


  • You are requested to not set fires in your garden or other places that could result in a fire breakout.
  • Uyacelwa ukuba ungabasi umlilo engadini yakho noma kuyiphi indawo lapho okungenzeka khona ukuthi umlilo ubaleke.


  • Residents will be notified by way of publication in the Gazette of any changes to the situation, updates will be given at regular intervals or when received from the District Municipality.
  • Uma kunoshintsho olukhona noma ezinye izinhlelo eziqhamukayo noMasipal weSifunda, abahlali bazokwaziswa ngaloloshintsho ngomlayezo oyothunyelwa ephephandabeni iGreytown Gazette.


  • Jojo tanks will also be assessed at regular intervals.
  • Amathangi awoJojo azolokhu ebhekwa ngasosonke isikhathi ukusebenza kwawo.


  • You are urged to restrict the digging of boreholes as this is now tapping into the towns reserves, you are also requested to notify the Municipality of any boreholes on your property.
  • Uyacelwa ukuba ume noma ungawambi amanzi ngaphansi komhlaba ngoba lesosenzo senza omkhulu umonakalo kumanzi akhona, futhi uyacelwa ukuba wazise umasipala uma unamanzi owambile emzini wakho.


Should you be experiencing any problems the Emergency numbers are as follows;

Uma unezinkinga, ungaxhumana nalezizinombolo zezimo eziphuthumayo ngokulandelayo:


0334172911 – 24 hours

0334172911 – Amahora angashumi amibili nane ngosuku


0334139100 – Umvoti Municipality Mon-Fri 08h00 until 16h00

0334139100 – Umasipala waseMvoti kusukela NgoMsobuluko ngehora lesiShagalombili ekuseni kuze kubewuLwesihlanu kuze kube yihora leSine ntambama.


0334131946 – Umzinyathi Satellite Offices (Greytown)

0334131946 AmaHhovisi aseMzinyathi aseGreytown


Use water wisely !!!

Sebenzisa amanzi ngokuwanakekela!!!




DATE:                       24 JUNE 2016


TO:                             All Media


ATTENTION:          News Editors / All Reporters


For Immediate Release


Implementation Plan for the Filling of Jojo Tanks for the Greytown Area


Greytown –  Water supply in Greytown has reached a critical point in which the municipality is unable to continue supplying water from the normal reticulation lines. The drought situation has resulted in the Greytown Lake Merthley Dam dropping alarmingly fast and is currently sitting at 11% which has necessitated stringent restrictions in town and the surrounding townships. The system was completely shut down on Sunday night the 19th June 2016, as of the 20th June 2016 water is only supplied in jojo tanks.  The Greytown intervention programme phase 2 is currently under way and normal reticulation of water supply to the water treatment plant should be completed by the 22nd July 2016.


An assessment of the existing 84 jojo tanks was done, repairs and replacements have been carried out where necessary to ensure all the tanks are in a good working condition.  Currently each tank has 1 tap installed and that was found to be insufficient as this causes a lot of fights among community members while filling up, as a result a second tap will be installed in all tanks to prevent further confrontations and ensure an orderly and peaceful filling stations for the community.  The jojo tanks will be fastened adequately to prevent further theft and vandalism that has been experienced in the past.


The affected areas that will be serviced will be divided into 2 zones, namely Nhlalakahle Zone and Greytown Zone.  The Nhlalakahle Zone will be filled by 4 trucks doing 2 trips each, 1 load can fill up 3 jojo tanks.  They will start from 5:00 am to 7:30 am daily.  The Greytown Zone will be filled by 2 trucks doing 10 trips each, and they will start from 5:00 am to 3:00 pm.  The 84 jojo tanks will only be filled up once a day, providing a supply of 420m3 per day from the Greytown Water Treatment Plant. Furthermore, a new jojo tank will be installed in the clinic in Nhlalakahle and will also be filled once a day.  Commercial businesses will have to buy water from the district municipality and collect it from the Makhabeleni Water Treatment Works.


Communities are urged to use water sparingly as the draught is not over yet and to be aware that during the draught clean portable water will only be provided for the basic needs of the community only.  Water is life! Save Water Now!



For more information, please contact,

Nomonde Nzimakwe on 072 417 4988 or email,  nzimakwen@umzinyathi.gov.za.




Issued by:  UMzinyathi District Municipality

39 Victoria Street




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