His Worship the Mayor’s Season’s Greetings

The Mayor of uMvoti Municipality, His worship the Mayor Councillor Thamsanqa Clive Ngubane, would like to wish the community of uMvoti Municipality and the people of KwaZulu Natal a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. ” I wish to see us all entering the New Year in good health and to advise that those who will be using our roads to drive safely, to obey all road rules as well as exercise patience to others road users. To all those that will be taking part in this season’s festivities, please exercise caution. May all your well wishes come to pass during these holidays.

Wishing you a prosperous and joyful year ahead.”


IMeya kaMasipala waseMvoti ukhansela Thamsanqa Clive Ngubane ufisela umphakathi owakhele u masipala wase Mvoti namaphethelo kanye nesifundazwe saKwaZulu-Natal sonke uKhisimusi omuhle onezibusiso nonyaka omusha onempumelelo. “Ngifisa ukubona bonke abantu bengena onyakeni omusha bephephile bese kuthi labo abazobe besebenzisa imigwaqo bashayele ngokucophelela bathobele imithetho yemigwaqo bese  futhi bebekezelelane nabanye emgwaqweni. Kulabo abazobe bezithokozisa kufanele bajabule bazibheke. Nginifisela okuhle kodwa sengathi nani enikufisayo kungaba yimpumelelo kulamaholidi”.

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